Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What's the point?

So...the point of "Bring on the Jeans" is that I have not worn jeans in probably 5 years...why? I hate the way they feel on my fat waist. The buttons digging into my gut...bleh! So, in an effort to wear jeans again, I am starting the 100 pound countdown. I got the idea from my SIL's sister...follow that? She has her own countdown here, which you can check out to be inspired. I am being realistic in the fact that I don't think this will be a SHORT process. A year, maybe...more likely a year and a half. But what is a year and a half. I think back to a year and a half ago and the time really went by so quickly. So...raise your glass (of water) to....JEANS!

There are other motivating factors...post to follow!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is great! I hope it will be motivating for you. I know posting about my HCG diet was. Even though there were people who were incredibly negative about it, most people were positive and supportive and it helped a lot with my accountability. Good luck!!
